I've been in our new house for a little over two months and I'm just not happy with my quilt room yet and I need your help. I need someone to design my quilt room for me. I have a blank canvas for you to work with. I'm waiting to get my yard goods out to where I can use them. I think that if they are in the closet I will forget about them and not use them. This room is only 13 ft x 9 1/2 ft.
Here is the wall behind my sewing machine. I had thought about placing shelves on wall, but that would be difficult to access with the desk and sewing machine in front of them. This wall has 7ft of usable space.
These are the shelves that I was looking to get, but thought better about it. By the time I got everything to put the shelves up it would have been right around $100. I'm thinking that is just a bit much.
Here is the wall above the ironing board that is next to my sewing desk. This wall has a little over 5 1/2 ft of wall space.
Dresser where I keep some items, but with the items in the drawers I forget what is in them and they never get used. There is a mirror that will go above the dresser. I think I will just hang quilts on the small wall in the corner.
The wall behind the door to the room. I'm thinking this would make a great spot for my design wall. It's out of the way and otherwise unused space . We have a little over 4 1/2 ft on this wall.
My FQ wall and book storage area. I'm thinking this wall will stay the way it is.
Here is the closet for this room. My thought is to remove the door and install some shelves with hanging space for quilts ready for quilting and/or finished quilts. What are your thoughts?
Overview of the room. As you can see I have a nice u-shaped work area.
There is no space on the floor. It has to go on the walls.
Help me design a usable room and I will choose the best design and the winner will receive a copy of all three Qubee Quilts patterns. I will choose a winner sometime in the first few weeks of August.
Until next time,