Thursday, June 24, 2010


Since my article in Quiltposium summer edition entitled Finding Acceptance in A Woman's World I have been welcomed into the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild.  What a great group it is. I feel very welcome in this group.  The president  Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio ran up to me and give me a big hug.  I just love this woman.  I had been following her work for the last five years and we had talked over e-mails, but never in person.  That was until the quilt guild.  

This guild is only a few months old and has a great eclectic group of people from young to old and everything in between.  They bring all different forms of quilting together to make up this modern quilt group and I love it. 

Last month at guild we did a pot holder swap.  Each person was to bring two pot holders of any size any shape.  You might remember my two pot holders from this post 

Side note: I had forgot my pot holders at home and my loving and caring BH had to bring them to me. I gave him the wrong directions on how to get to the meeting.  Thanks for doing this.  On his way home he got stuck in construction traffic.  Bless his heart for loving me so.  He is the best man any person could ask for. 

Here are the two pot holders that I revived.  They go great with our new kitchen as the walls are a burnt orange color.

 They both are so fresh and modern. 

 Would you look at that quilting?  I love it. 

Great match.  Don't you think?

I'm looking for some ideas for the Machine Friday post.  Place your ideas in the comment section. 

Until next time,


  1. machine Friday: something about bobbins maybe?

    Love the pot holders. I am assuming that the little one is for an iron skillet handle.

  2. idea for post...

    should i keep my machine covered when i'm not using it? why?

  3. Congrats! I know you will love it there!
    Can't wait to see a post of your lovely kitchen orange! Potholders are sweet!
    I haven't been following for long but have you done one on SM needles?

  4. Lovely, just lovely! I love your blog

  5. it's so fun seeing your potholders...i missed such a great swap! thanks for the kind words was great to finally meet the real guy!


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...