Friday, June 25, 2010

Machine Fridays - Titanium Needles

Needles as you know should be changed every four to six hours of stitching, but that is not the case with if you a Titanium-coated needle.  These new titanium-coated needles have an ultra thin coat of titanium nitride layered on the surface to extend their productive life by five to eight times that of conventional needles.  Imagine having a needle that will last 40 to 60 hours. This is equivalent to saving 80% on the cost of needles.

Can be used on home machine and long arms. 

Here are two needles that I would recommend for piecing and quilting.  

The quilting needle has a tapered point for stitching through multiple layers and across seams. The shape of the point minimizes damage to the quilting fabric.

The topstitch needle has an extra large eye and a much deeper groove for use with either heavier fabrics and/or heavier threads. It can even accommodate doubling of threads for more pronounced stitching.

Until next time,


  1. Thanks, Charlie, just the info I was looking for...have a great sewing day!

  2. Do they have these needles at JoAnns Charlie? Can you hook me up?


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Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...