Last week we learned what a scant 1/4" is and how to achieve it on your machine.
Thais week we are going to take a look at how the different weights of threads will also play a role in your scan 1/4".
Bradie of
A Quilty Kind of Girl has done an excellent post on
thread weight. Since I'm not trying to reinvete the wheel here I'm going to send you over to her blog to take a look at this. Don't forget to go back and quilt along with her Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along.
It is amazing how thread will effect your scant 1/4". My thread of choice is
Aurifil 50wt for piecing. It has little to no lint and you don't even know it's there once you sew your stitch. Do I match my thread to my fabric when I piece? You, bet I do. Nothing worse then having a seam show and it stick out like a sore thumb because it's a different color than your background. I match my background color.
SHOCKER ALERT: For those of you that have followed my blog for while know that I love everything dark, the darker the better, but as of late I have been on a light kick. Remember how I told you I would never ever sew with a solid color let alone use white? Well, that has changed. Now I find I use Moda Bella white as my choice for most of the projects. Going to have to buy it buy the bolt I'm using so much. I will come back to the dark side. I have not forgot about all my friends that love dark.

One more thing I would like to point out that can be a problem for me even today is pressing. If you have not pressed the fold in the fabric open all the way then your seams will be off. This has happened to me more than once. Remember to press and not iron. You don't want your blocks getting all wonky on you. Some people like to use steam when they iron and that is fine, but here again I find that my blocks are all wonky and are bigger than I need. Therefore they have been stretched out of shape. Water from your iron can leave a brown spot on your white fabric and you will play hell getting it out. I am speaking from experience here.
I had a question come up over the week that I thought I would answer here because I am sure more than one of you might like to know the answer.
The question is: I own a Viking machine and how do I tell if it is a 6mm or 7mm machine?
Good question. I should have told you this last week. The only machines that are 7mm are the Sapphires, Designer Topaz, Designer SE and Designer Diamond. All other machines are 6mm and you will need to adjust your needle accordingly.
Until next time,