Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Favorite Blogs

Happy Thanksgiving

I have over 100 quilting blogs that I like to read. Thank God most of them don't update on a daily basis or I would never get anything else done! I do find when I miss a few days of checking them, it takes me a bit longer to get this job done, and because of this I find I really don't read the blogs, but look at the pictures. I only post comments when it's something important. I know I should post once in a while to let them know I was there, but hey, I like to be a lurker. These are a few of my favorites: What are some of your favorite blogs to read?

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P.S. Love quilt blogs done by men. Us guys have to stick together. There is not many of us out there.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Charlie! I'm pleased to say the first 3 I follow too! It's great to see so many men quilting! I'm going to check out the other now! Thanks for sharing them, have a great day!

  2. I have way too many favorites to list. Here is another blog by a quilting guy for you to case you've not read this one yet....

  3. Of those, I follow numbers 1, 2 and 4.
    I always read A little of this and a little of Pat Who I see has already commented and mentioned me.
    I have my blogroll on my blog so you can see my daily reads.

  4. Pat's link doesn't seem to be working so it is again

  5. Hi Charlie, Happy Thanksgiving to you.
    I too have a long long list of Blogs, like you I tend to zip through them all as and when, big big mistake to leave it too long though.
    True, there aren't many chaps who Quilt----that we know of-----maybe they are shy!!!!
    Off to view the others you have mentioned. Cheers Charlie
    Janet across the pond.

  6. Thanks for the mention! The few but proud manquilter blogs are on my "must read" list, too! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.


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Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...