Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pinks, Yellows, Limes, Oranges and Aquas

What do you get when you place pinks, yellows, limes, oranges and aquas together? You get the next quilt that I'm working on! Here it is all cut out and ready to sew. I've had this fabric for awhile now. I know I still have the Whirlygiggles quilt to finish, but I have to be in the mood to quilt it. This quilt called for the use of templates, I have always shied away from using them. Maybe it is because they looked harder to cut out. I still like to use acrylic over paper. If I had them to cut over again I would have used thin cardboard. I found that I cut a hair off the paper templates. We will see how well they go together. The fabrics are from Amy Butler. The fabric and pattern is Midwest Modern.



  1. beautiful colors....can't wait to see more.

  2. love this color combo! i'm stalled on my whirlygiggle quilting...i need to get off my butt and DO it.

  3. Looks interesting, I can't wait to see how it develops!

  4. I like these colors together! If this is based on my pinwheel tutorial (?), you can easily trim the blocks down after assembly if you used my incorrect measurements. But, you probably figured that out. And, I may be presuming the pattern wrong too.

    Anyway, these are going to make a nice spring quilt. Looking forward to seeing it.


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Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...