Monday, February 2, 2009

How Sweet it is...

Here is my Whirlygiggles without the sashing and all clamped down, ready for basting. I hope to have it basted in the next couple of days. I can not wait to start quilting it, as it looks to be a lot of fun.

Look what my BH surprised me with on Saturday for our four year anniversary. How sweet is he?



  1. Charlie, that quilt is fantastic! I love the colors and plaids that you used. And no sashing was definitely the way to go. I was also going to comment separately on your last post, but I'll just say it here: ugh. I can't believe you were treated that way. I've never joined a guild or anything -- to be honest, I don't see the appeal ... but I guess I am content with the comaraderie here in the blogiverse!

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. i LOVE the quilt top. it looks fantastic. the borders are wonderful, too.

    i agree with John, i can't believe that the guilds treated you that way. i've heard that guilds can be pretty uptight about lots of things. (which is why i haven't joined one.) blogs have to be way better than guilds, anyway!

  3. Great quilt (I'm feeling inspired to do one like it now.)and beautiful roses. Happy Anniversary to you both!


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Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...