Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Christmas In July Qubee Quilts Style

There are only 192 day left till Christmas, are you ready?

I've added a counter on the right hand side of the blog to help remind you. Most of you are like "yeah, but no." I don't want to think about it.

The Christmas Quilt along is basically just a day when we lock ourselves away, (or lock the rest of the family away), work on our own Christmas projects, post from time to time about our progress during the day, go and visit the other people who're taking part to see what they're up to, maybe eat a little festive something (chocolate's always good!) and generally give ourselves almost a "retreat day". During the course of it, 'cause it's difficult to stay serious for too long, there will be some fun bits, maybe a little quiz, some suitable music, that sort of thing, and there might be prizes too!

I read this and knew right away I wanted to join in on the fun, but I work every Saturday. I wrote Sue to see if they ever did anything on a Sunday and they have not. She said I could do it on Sunday if I wanted in lieu of Saturday, but I thought that would be no fun. So I wrote Sue back with a few ideas in hope that I could convince her to also do a Sunday, but she told me I had such great idea that I could just run with it myself. I give you.....

Quilt Along Button

To help you get in the mood Qubee Quilts has teamed up with Cathi & Sue and we're going to make one big weekend event of this. Our Quilt Along will be the 2nd weekend in July, the 9th &10th.

One the 9th you jump on over to Cathi & Sue and see what fun things they have planed for you. Then on the 10th you jump back over to Qubee Quilts.

Now, me being me, I can't let all my peeps just run amok. I've got to be in control you know. :-)

I have designed a quilt for my Sunday quilt along. I even have giveaways planned for the whole day. Sure to be lots of fun. For this Quilt Along we're going to make the following quilt.

I'm using Countdown to Christmas by Sweetwater for Moda.

Count Down to Christmas

This quilt is SUPER easy to make and only 32" big and you can get it done in one day or less. I'll be walking you though every step of the way, from making the circles to quilting and finally, the binding. I'll even share a few tricks along the way.

If you're going to play along and make the Christmas quickie then you will need the following:

  • One Moda charm pack - 16, 5" squares
  • 1/2 yard of cream dots, back, red & green fabrics
  • 1/2 black binding (One yard total if doing the blocks & binding the same color)
  • 1 yard backing.
  • 35" x 35" batting
There is even a Flickr group where you can post photos to go along with the event. I would love to see what fabric you're using and photos from the event.

I will give you more details as they come in, but for my friends around the world where it might take longer to get fabric, I wanted to get you some basic info.

Don't forget we are going to have giveaways. A few of our sponsors are:

Until next time,


  1. I just love this quilt and am definitely in for it. I have just ordered my fabrics so I should have them in plenty of time.

  2. I have a couple I started to work on and hopefully have done by next Christmas.


  3. Oh, I'll be in for this one Charlie! Just need to get my fabrics together :)

  4. Oh I was so excited in reading this and that is the perfect weekend for it right after my company leaves and I'll be due for some sewing time! I love the pattern and thought that for me it would be perfect to make half of it and use it as a table runner. I need a modern holiday runner and it will be perfect size! Then I read CIRCLES and totally panicked lol so we will see if I actually get the guts to try it. Thanks and I'm looking forward to the event!

  5. Sounds great, I just added the link on my blog. This should really help get the holiday mo-jo going! Thanks, it will be fun.

  6. OK I am sooo tempted to do this. I love the idea of a cute little quilt! I would love to give it to our sweet neighbor! Ok I am in! Can I pick out some moda fabric or do we all need to use this same fabric?

  7. I'm in! I just ordered my fabric.

  8. I added your blog button ; I will just be returning home after vacation ; I may make it later .... don't know if I'll be able to join on sunday ! will you have the directions posted and your tips ?

  9. I was hoping that the planets were going to allign, or something that would get me out of my previous commitment for Sunday. No such luck. I sure hope that you have another quilt along as I'd really like to give it a go. Have a great day of sewing!!

    Jodi- usairdoll

  10. I would like to join in, I am new to your site. Thanks so much!


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...