Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's That Time of the Year

Qubee Quilts has some firsts in it's life.  I told you in the last post that we have a Fan Page on Facebook..  Check it out and become a fan.  This is where I'll give you some quilting tips and share some events that are happening.

I've asked the question how do you store your thread?  You see I have too much and it's all over the place.  I need to get it under control.

I'm the featured male quilter over at Stitchin Heaven.  Pop on over and take a read.  A big thanks goes out to Matt for nominating me.

I don't have much time for anything theses day other than sewing. That is not a bad thing mind you.  Just saying.   I'm in the height of sewing season. My goal is to get five quilts done by May.  I think I can do it.  I have one quilt just about quilted, and one top pieced waiting to be quilted.  The quilt called Love is on it way back from Matt and will need binding and a label then off to get it's picture taken, it just never ends.  Life just keeps going on and on and on.  If that was not enough I'm buying a house on top of all that.  I'm taking a lot of big steps in the next couple of months.  I just hope the path that I'm following will lead to the green pastures that I'm looking for.  If not I'll turn around and back track and see where I went wrong, then start again.  I just need to find the path that is right for me.  I always seems to follow the one that is less traveled.  

Since I believe a blog post is not truly a post unless it has a picture I leave you with this.

Until next time,

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Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...