Friday, April 17, 2009

Is It Love?

The border fabric is here to stay and I am going to bind the quilt with the brown.
Here is the quilting thread choice. I think it will give everything a nice warm feel.

This quilt will be gifted to a dear friend of ours. She just does not know it yet. She thought the quilt was beautiful when she saw a picture.


P.S. The peace treaty was signed later that night.


  1. hurray! i think the quilt will look great!

  2. Great looking quilt so far! 8-)

    Great set up in your sewing room! Your stash looks great! 8-)
    The only problem in there I be you have is rolling your chair from sewing machine to computer! Right!?
    This sewing room in our new home has hardwood floors. Much easier for the rolling chair! 8-)

    Happy stitchings!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that peace has been restored in your home! I'd hate to have to come over to sort you out with my UN Peacekeepers' hat on! LOL (Darn, I handed it back on demob .. hehe)

    Is that King Tut, Sunflower? I have it in my thread stash too. Just perfect! I'm sure your friend will love it even more when its done and she realizes its hers to keep :o) Great job Charlie!


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...