Welcome to another addition of Bar Hop Quilt along presented by Blue Nickel Studios.
A pub crawl (sometimes called a bar tour, bar crawl or bar-hopping) is the act of one or more people drinking in multiple pubsor bars in a single night, normally walking or busing to each one between drinking.
Did you know there is even a Monopoly Board and Santa Claus themed pub crawl? To read more about them check out this page on Wikipedia.
X Bar:
Cutting Directions:
One -13 1/4 x 4 3/4 - BarTwo - 4 3/4 x 4 3/4 - Bars
Two - 4" x 4" - Corner Triangle Sets (Make one diagonal cut across the square - yield 2 triangles
One - 7 1/4" x 7 1/4" - Background square (Make two diagonal cuts across the square - yield 4 triangles.)
Sewing and Assembling Directions:
block uses 1/4" seam allowance.
- Sew two large triangles to either side of a bar. Repeat
- Sew large triangle/bar unit to sides of center bar unit.
- Sew one triangle from corner to end of each bar.
- Trim Block to 12 1/2" squares.
Until next time,
It`s gorgeous!!