Welcome to another fun filled edition of Thirteen Questions with Zeus. Where Zeus and I introduce fellow followers of Qubee Quilts to you, our readers. Here you can learn about other quilters like yourself and know that we are not alone and maybe reach out and find a new quilting friend.
Today Zeus and I would like to introduce you to our new quilting friend Ray Lusk of Star Valley Stitching. Zeus was so happy to meet another male quilter.
- Tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name is Ray Lusk. I'm a quilter, sewer, knitter,crocheter and general jack of all trades, master of none. I live in a beautiful area called Star Valley Wyoming. I love animals and have dogs.
- What is your quilting background? (When did you first get started into quilting)
I first started quiltingabout 2 years ago after I decided that there was no reason why I couldn't start working on my "bucket list" my mother had taught us all to sew when we were young so that gave me a little background knowledge to start me off. I went to a neighbor who is a wonderful quilter and she got me started and well,the rest is history. I now do custom machine quilting on my home sewing machine and work a lot with sewing for human atarian aid efforts.
- Have you always been a quilter or did you start out doing something else?
I had been a knitter previously and still am and enjoy them both.
I'm inspired by the many colors and textures around me and just life in general.
- What is your favorite color to use in your quilts?
Oh I don't know… The problem is I love them all so my quilts tend to travel the spectrum color wise.
- I was always taught that quilts need to be 100% cotton. Cotton fabric, cotton batting and cotton backing, but now am learning to use other types of fabrics in my quilts. Is this the case for you?
I still am just using 100% cotton for everything. I love colors and textures and the way that some fabric feels. So my stash isn't all similar types or lines of fabric, it comes from all over and I love it. I love patterns and colors so fabric just fills that need.
- What does modern quilting mean to you?
I think modern quilting means the use of more bold shapes and dimensions. But that is just me.
- What is your least and most favorite part of quilting and why for each?
Well this is a hard question… I love piecing and cutting the fabric and the actual quilting. I love watching it all come together and seeing it come out better than I had pictured in my mind. My least favorite part is probably the binding, and I think that is because I'm not the best at it.
- When making a quilt do you follow a pattern or make it up as you go along?
I do a little of both. There are times when I follow the pattern exactly and others when I just grab fabric and go.
- Do you consider yourself a rule breaker in quilting?
No because I don't know all the rules :-)
- How can others find out more about you?
I have a website, or you can email or follow me on twitter :)
- Is there anything else you would like the readers to know about you?
That about covers it.
Zeus and I would like to thank you for spending a little time with us today. It was great getting to know more about you. Don't be a stranger. I hope you can join us again sometime and maybe we could meet your dogs.
Until next time,
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