Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Giving Back - Christmas Quilt Along

Christmas is a very hectic time for everyone and unfortunately,  many of us get so tied up with everything we forget what the season is really about.  Christmas is about giving, not getting.  It is about giving to those who are less fortunate then us and not about giving the latest and greatest thing.  I will give back to my readers by doing the quilt along on Sunday, July 10th at 8:00am CST.  This little quilt will make a great gift with a homemade touch for someone that is special to you.

PhotobucketCount Down to Christmas

While doing this blog post, it got me to thinking about a close friend who is having some health problems...

A good friend of mine was diagnosed with an extremely rare neurological condition which had been giving him a lot of problems lately.  In 2006, he was diagnosed with an Arnold-Chiari Malformation.  It is a condition where part of his brain was growing out of his skull and into his spinal column.  This created a buildup of fluid which was compressing his spinal cord.  He has had several surgeries to correct this problem but recently started having trouble again.  Over the past 5 weeks he had been in the hospital most of that time.  Tomorrow, he is going in for more surgery.  Hopefully this will be the last of it, but we shall see.

A big thank you to Wondrous Woven Fabrics, my sponsor for this quilt along.  This is how my sponsors are giving back to my readers.  They are offering a 25% off discount on holiday fabrics and patterns valid through July 13th.  Use promo code "QubeeXmas" at Wondrous Woven Fabrics.

Let this 2011 holiday season be were we put others before ourselves.

Until next time,



  1. I am making something similar with hexagons, in blue shades which I don't use, so it will be gifted. I am sorry to hear about your friend, that is a hard thing to go through and he will be in my prayers for successful surgery tomorrow.


  2. Charlie, I'm a new follower from here in Kansas City, and hope your friend had successful surgery today. Our prayers are for his complete recovery from this horrible malady.

    I've never done a quilt along, but would like to do it. What fabric (how much) do I need, and what pattern is to be used? I've recently retired, so I have plenty of time to devote to my passion!

    Carol (Honeybun)


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...