Saturday, May 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Love all the comments and thanks for the love.  You guys are the best!!!!  If you have not entered the giveaway there is still time.  Whoot!!! Remember only comments listed under Whoot! blog post count for the giveaway.

Sorry there is no Machine Friday blog post once again.  I will try for next Friday, but that is the day before I move and then the following Friday after that I will be on a float trip.  So it's not looking good either.  Maybe the second Friday in June.  I will do a blog post on Scant Quarter Inch. 

Just a little something that I'm working on. Still need to get binding on him.  @KarrieLyne can you spot the ladybugs?  I'm sure most of you can figure out the fabric line that I used.  I'll give you a hint, they're all from Moda and more than one line. This is going to be my quilt for the Just Another Little Quilt Swap 4.  Join the swap so you can claim this quilt as your own.

Look at all this Moda goodness that showed up this week. The sale was so good I could not pass it up.  Can you spot the two designers from Moda that I heart most?  Their fabric is also in the little quilt I made above.

I'm in the middle of moving so most of my stuff/quilts are all packed away waiting to be unpacked. 

Who knows what items I will unpack and show you.

Until next time,

post signature


  1. One of the designers you heart most is Tula Pink. I can't decide if the other is Sanae or MoMo. I KNOW I see Neptune fabric in the quilt and Plume in the stash!

  2. Good luck moving. Your quilts are just fabulous - I aspire to produce things that look that good. Glad to have you in the bee - we'll all have to up our game (except Angela of course!). By the way, let me know if I need to change the address on the address list as the first month's packages go out this weekend I think. If you'd prefer to miss this month because of moving, just let me know ASAP so I can let Jennifer know.

  3. Yellow and teal and brown, oh my!! hahaha..yes I spy them! So cute, just like that quilt!! :)

  4. Oh, I signed up for the ALQS4 too. It's your fault. =P

  5. I totally {heart] your Just Another Little Quilt Swap quilt. The colors are awesome and I love the machine quilting. It really enhances the design. Nice job!

    P.S. I {heart} Moda too!


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...