Friday, April 30, 2010

Machine Fridays - HST

When doing half square triangle (HST) do you find that the corner of the fabric gets caught under your stitch plate? 

Start your chain piecing of HST with a  small scrap of fabric and it will keep the edge of the fabric from getting down under your stitch plate.  Make sure to start in the middle of your scrap fabric. 

You could also could buy a single hole stitch plate for your machine.  Just remember you can only do straight stitching in the center needle position or you will break your needle. 

What do you do to keep the corners of fabric out from under your stitch plate? 

Be sure to blog along with us.  We do love to read what you have to say.  Remember it's all about sharing.

Thread tangled and making a mess? Ask your florist for the thread nets that come from the flowers. Most florists are happy that someone will use them. Cut them to the size of your spool and have neat thread storage.

Until next time,

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  1. Charlie, I always use the "thread bunnies" (scraps) to start piecing. Sometimes when I am done with you it looks like a very textured fabric. I think I should throw them away sooner.

    I also "sew off" onto one when I am chain piecing and between "batches"

  2. I use a scrap bit of tearaway under the edge of whatever I am sewing that the machine wishes to "eat".

  3. Great minds think alike. :) I also use a bit of scrap fabric to start the chain and when I'm done, I clip it and run it under again so it's ready for the next run of chain piecing. :)

  4. I've learned to use a scrap piece of fabric to start after many trials with HST. It really does help.

  5. Off the subject, but to sew HSTs straight, I've taped a piece of masking tape to the desk to extend the desk's ruler, so that the fabric is fed straight with the feed dogs!

  6. I use a scrap to start and if I'm doing more than one of the same, I sew them while they're still squares (draw a line corner to corner and sew 1/4" on either side) or sometimes I'll do an entire row (speed piecing). Helps a lot.

  7. I tend to be a leader/ender gal ( Currently I have a stack of 2 1/2" squares that I'm sewing to a pieced unit for my next quilt.


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