Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday Squares

This is the post that you have been waiting for. I'm the newest Moda Bake Shop Chef. Head on over and check out my newest quilt quickie entitled "Sunday Squares".

Hope you enjoy your little quickie. Please send me pictures if you decide to make one.

Until next time,

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  1. Congrats on being featured! Thats a cool looking wall hanging, I'm going to make one of them!

  2. Wow it looks great.
    But I have a question:
    It says:
    Making Triangles from background fabric:
    Cut 50 - 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangles from background fabric.
    Pair rectangle wrong sides together (this is essential for mirror image pieces) and cut diagonally from lower left to upper right.

    The picture shows right sides together. I suspect either would work, but it may confuse someone. Which is right?

  3. Right sides together. Thanks Gene.

    I have corrected the pattern it is now correct.

  4. Wow - cool design, and Verna is one of my favorite new Moda lines. Congratulations on being a featured Moda Baker!

  5. I think this is just the pattern I've been looking for! Wanted to make something out of some 4x4" machine embroidered square. Thanks for sharing! Your blog looks VERY interesting!

  6. Congratulations Chef! Great tutorial too! Great little quilt, I love it, and Verna rocks!

  7. Really nice pattern and a great tutorial, job well done! Sharon.


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...