Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You've Got Mail

Look what came in the mail from my good friend Matt. Stop in and say Hi. Let him know that Charlie sent ya.

Lets open it together.

Oh look, an apology from the Canada Post Corporation for the damaged package. Not sure that the US Post would enclose a letter

Wow, a slash cutter. Now I just need to come up with a project for this.

I had won this for being the most friendly in their chat room. I will talk to most people about anything. Most of the time I go to their chat room just for the music.


P.S. if you see Nana in the chat room tell her howdy for me.

P.P.S Blog list on the right has been updated. If you would like your blog included drop me a note.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including me Charlie! So whats a slasher? Is it like a chenille cutter? Look forward to seeing what you come up with it. :o)


Please make sure to leave your email address if you have a question or entering a giveaway so I can be sure to reply to you!

Happy Rainy Wedneday

Hello my friends, How is every one?  Below are some projects that I have been working on. This quilt has been on my design wall for ove...